The Brutal murder of eight year old standard three girl from Kiambu Kenya sent shock waves throughout the entire Nation.When one of the local TV stations featured a story on the booming Sex organs trade, many brushed it aside thinking it was just a passing cloud. When innocent Jane Wambui Muregi's life was cut short by her assailants then the real grim picture of the situation was felt. Rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman, happening to a girl so innocent and so young this is unacceptable.All humanity should stand up against rape.Visit and register to help fight rape against our innocent girls. My heart goes out to the mother and father of the girl who lost her life at a tender age of eight years.
On the other hand the sex organs business should be squashed from the root to avoid future cases of rape and murder.Above all we should all pray that God restores our nation from the evil plans of the devil.
Empowering the female gender in issues concerning their well being such as sexuality relationships and averting violence against women empowering them to reach their potential.Those in need of romance and tips to get their love too will benefit in this blog.Women empowerment and rights of the marginalized girl as an integral and fundamental part of society, by marginalized meaning the street girls and commercial sex workers otherwise known as the red light girls.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Orie Rogo Manduli Embodiment Of Inspiration Makes Me Proud Of The Women
She has the oomph, she is confident she is alive and always bubbling with energy. Thats Orie Rogo Manduli for you. She is an inspiration to the millions of Young girls and women who seek role models. Stand up women and be counted, be inspired be empowered. Orie at her age can still do the catwalk so dont stay in the house and feel sorry for yourself.
Stand up and be an inspiration to your generation. Inspire the girl child and make her meet her potential. Orie Rogo Manduli, Thanks for being a woman of passion, a woman of inspiration a woman who embodies positivity.
Stand up and be an inspiration to your generation. Inspire the girl child and make her meet her potential. Orie Rogo Manduli, Thanks for being a woman of passion, a woman of inspiration a woman who embodies positivity.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ten Reasons Why You Should Vote Margaret Wanjiru Back To Parliament In The Forthcoming Starehe By-Elections
The Starehe constituency by-elections are just around the Corner and Mama Margaret Wanjiru or rather Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru is bracing herself for a win. She of the famous JIAM or Jesus is alive Ministries
Will battle it up with Maina Kamanda. The disputed seat fell vacant after Maina successfully petitioned in the High court and won.The campaigns are getting hotter and hotter andv the two contestants have by far overshadowed the other contestants. Starehe is a vast constituency and is marred by the perpetual problems of poverty and insecurity. So far the two contestants have had a shot at Parliament and are aware of what is expected of them.
The Ten Reason why yo should Vote Mama back are:
She is A Woman:
The Millennium Development Goals-2015 seeks to put women and children who are marginalised at a higher place. It seeks to have equal opportunities for both men and women and thus lets vote more women into leadership positions
Mama na Maendeleo: This simply means that Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru is a development oriented leader.She sincerely seeks to change the face of starehe and bring total change
Track Record: Mama Bishop Doctor Margaret Wanjiru has a track record of tangible development that she has achieved during her stint in Parliament.She managed to counter the culture of flying toilets in the constituency and currently has a feeding Program for the less fortunate in society.
Leadership Qualities: Margaret Has strong leadership qualities having been former MP for Starehe and assistant minister for housing. She is also a senior pastor for JIAM Jesus is Alive Ministries International.
Fearless: Vote this Woman back to Parliament for her outspoken nature and fearless personalities. In dealing with pertinent issues such as the Jua Kali land issue in Ngara.
God-Fearing: Voting back Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru to lead Starehe constituency, is bringing a God-Fearing Woman and thus good leadership.
Motherly: She has a motherly nature as shown by her feeding programs which do not discriminate Muslims to Christians and all denominations.
Strong: Through All the rough time she has had to pass through from her Ordeal with the late Kimangu to her failed wedding to her former South African Fiance Margaret has maintained a strong personality and continues to inspire many.
Principled: She sticks to her principles as shown during the just concluded Referendum. She stuck to her NO vote and never swayed like some leaders did, and when YES prevailed she was ready to work together with the other leaders for the new constitution.
Role Model: Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru has continued to inspire millions of young girls that indeed one can arise from the dust and rise to the highest positions of power. Being a single mother who has educated her sons alone she shows all the single ladies that indeed all you need is to be passionate in anything you do and be focused and you shall surely achieve your dream.
So come 20th September if you are voting lets give this woman of substance a chance to prove to us that she can actually transform Starehe.
Will battle it up with Maina Kamanda. The disputed seat fell vacant after Maina successfully petitioned in the High court and won.The campaigns are getting hotter and hotter andv the two contestants have by far overshadowed the other contestants. Starehe is a vast constituency and is marred by the perpetual problems of poverty and insecurity. So far the two contestants have had a shot at Parliament and are aware of what is expected of them.
The Ten Reason why yo should Vote Mama back are:
She is A Woman:
The Millennium Development Goals-2015 seeks to put women and children who are marginalised at a higher place. It seeks to have equal opportunities for both men and women and thus lets vote more women into leadership positions
Mama na Maendeleo: This simply means that Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru is a development oriented leader.She sincerely seeks to change the face of starehe and bring total change
Track Record: Mama Bishop Doctor Margaret Wanjiru has a track record of tangible development that she has achieved during her stint in Parliament.She managed to counter the culture of flying toilets in the constituency and currently has a feeding Program for the less fortunate in society.
Leadership Qualities: Margaret Has strong leadership qualities having been former MP for Starehe and assistant minister for housing. She is also a senior pastor for JIAM Jesus is Alive Ministries International.
Fearless: Vote this Woman back to Parliament for her outspoken nature and fearless personalities. In dealing with pertinent issues such as the Jua Kali land issue in Ngara.
God-Fearing: Voting back Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru to lead Starehe constituency, is bringing a God-Fearing Woman and thus good leadership.
Motherly: She has a motherly nature as shown by her feeding programs which do not discriminate Muslims to Christians and all denominations.
Strong: Through All the rough time she has had to pass through from her Ordeal with the late Kimangu to her failed wedding to her former South African Fiance Margaret has maintained a strong personality and continues to inspire many.
Principled: She sticks to her principles as shown during the just concluded Referendum. She stuck to her NO vote and never swayed like some leaders did, and when YES prevailed she was ready to work together with the other leaders for the new constitution.
Role Model: Bishop doctor Margaret Wanjiru has continued to inspire millions of young girls that indeed one can arise from the dust and rise to the highest positions of power. Being a single mother who has educated her sons alone she shows all the single ladies that indeed all you need is to be passionate in anything you do and be focused and you shall surely achieve your dream.
So come 20th September if you are voting lets give this woman of substance a chance to prove to us that she can actually transform Starehe.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Relationship Getting Complex As Singles Turn To Priests For Prayers As Demonstrated By Recent Singles Fellowships By Pastor Chris Ojigbani
Kenyan singles both men and women have been entangled in the dating and relationship game for some time and now its only getting more complicated with the entrance with special pastors who offer prayers for the single and lonely. Enter Pastor Chris Ojigbani, from Nigeria and all the single ladies went gaga. The recent Census carried out some months ago in Kenya put the ratio of women to men at 1:1, This should be happy news to millions of young attractive women looking to be hooked up and walked down the isle. However the relationship game only keeps getting into a miry clay as the singles continue to increase.
Pastor Chris came to Kenya with one mission, to pray for the singles and break every yoke that has been preventing them to be married. The singles flocked the venue,KICC Building right in the heart of Nairobi in the hope that finally prince charming will propose.
You may call this desperate or faith or whatever you want but its good to first understand why we have many single men and women. Is the marriage institution becoming outdated? Are many young people being prevented to go into marriage by their careers?
First of all, we are in the 21st century and I believe no woman wants to be entangled in a marriage situation whereby they are left in the house to cook for their husbands and bear children. So what do women look for in a relationship?
A woman wants a sense of security. She wants to know that her man can protect her from any threat that may come her way. The other form of security is financial. A woman wants to know that her man will provide for all her needs which include food, clothing shelter and beauty.
Mr Handsome
The ideal man should be as handsome as they come. No wonder the western ideas of six pack and all. Every woman dreams of a tall handsome well buit man. No wonder our local television stations are flooded with Mexican soaps depicting the likes of Alehandros and the single women just love these.
Of course good old trustworthy is also essential in this relationship and singles game. Women are basically emotional beings and when they get into a relationship they need to know that you wont break their hearts. Many men are the complete opposite of this and will be more often than not the ones to be unfaithful. That is why many women are single because they that men cannot be trusted in a relationship.
A woman wants a man that can satisfy her in bed. Otherwise even if you possess all the above and you fail in this then the relationship is bound to fail. In the olden days women kept quiet about the issue of sex, and many suffered silently with men that could not satisfy their sexual needs. But now in this digital age many women are empowered and demand their rights.
A woman wants a man that will above all give her space. Women don’t want to be micromanaged and followed everywhere. A woman wants to be able to go for a girls night out just the same way the man goes out with the boys to watch a football match.
Enough said about women, what do single men look for in a woman?
The woman should be gorgeous so that at least the man can boast to his friends about his new catch.
No man wants to be stuck with a blond so the ideal partner should be intelligent. A university degree is preferable because the man wants to know that his spouse can pursue her career and be able to chip in in the home budget.
Great in Bed
This in fact should be number one. As opposed to women who are emotional beings, men are very much physical and want to get it whenever wherever. So women don’t be saying that my man is a sex maniac, just adapt.
Well so much about the likes and dislike, the fact is that Singles, men and women are going to be their always. Whether or not they are going to walk each other down the isle is a story for another day.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Luthuli Girls Give Quickies By The Roadside But Your Wallet Is Not Safe
This blog majorly is for empowering the woman and giving her the power to conquer the world and excel in a male dominated world. But in so doing we need to address issues affecting the woman especially the girl child. In the hustle and bustles of the city of Nairobi you will come across a street called Luthuli avenue.As you approach river road there are many girls lined up by the street calling the passing men for a good time. For as little as less than a dollar you can enjoy yourself,they will tell you.That figure is music to some of the men most of whom are first timers in this our great city.Once the deal has been sealed the girl will lead the man to a corner just a long the street and start doing her thing.Meanwhile the other girls will mill around the action place pretending to be on the lookout. As the girl excites the man one of her hands is busy in the pockets and it wont be long before the mans wallet and phone are gone.It is hard for him to notice anything amiss as he is lost in this short time high.When the man comes to i guess it is an anticlimax as he realizes what has happened.The interesting thing is that he cannot report to the authorities because of the shame associated with the act.
Well i guess the girls are reaping big because i have watched the quorum grow from a few girls to tens of girls as i write this.
I have said before here that the sex industry is big in Nairobi and it is amazing the number of young innocent girls that are joining by the day.The city council of nairobi which has a task of riding the city of the call girls is either overwhelmed or it has taken the wrong approach to this matter.There are dangers involved in this new pick pocketing game that the girls are involving themselves in.Non governmental organizations and the government itself need to up their game in ensuring that this girls are given a better option.It wont be long before they pick the pockets of a killer or bad person.
My heart bleeds for them and i am appealing to anyone who can as much as take a girl out of the street to do so.
Well i guess the girls are reaping big because i have watched the quorum grow from a few girls to tens of girls as i write this.
I have said before here that the sex industry is big in Nairobi and it is amazing the number of young innocent girls that are joining by the day.The city council of nairobi which has a task of riding the city of the call girls is either overwhelmed or it has taken the wrong approach to this matter.There are dangers involved in this new pick pocketing game that the girls are involving themselves in.Non governmental organizations and the government itself need to up their game in ensuring that this girls are given a better option.It wont be long before they pick the pockets of a killer or bad person.
My heart bleeds for them and i am appealing to anyone who can as much as take a girl out of the street to do so.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Case Of Zena's Failed Coma Inducement Drugs And Men Turned Wolves In SheepSkin
Every year millions of women die during child birth.A huge percentage of these deaths occur in the sub-Sahara Africa.Indeed one of the United Nations millenium development goals (MDGs)is to bring those figures drastically down and save the lives of women and children.
The case of Zena,a sixteen year old girl in Kendu-bey a town in Kenya,east africa pierced through my heart like a sharp knife.My heart bleeds for the innocent girl whose hope of delivering a bundle of joy has turned sour and bitter at the same time.About a year ago she walked into a local hospital to deliver her baby but the doctors decided to do a Cesarean section.Unfortunately the comma inducement drugs that were administered on her have put her down ever since.Her baby has since died for lack of motherly care.Naturally,the doctors don't want to admit to negligence on there part.Who shall come to the rescue of this innocent child?With the only care coming from her poor old grandmother,why did the hospital discharge her before she recovered fully? All these questions beg for answers.Something is truly amiss and the lives of our women and girls need to be protected especially when they are due to deliver.
While this is happening it is disheartening to hear of men who have turned into wolves in sheepskin.The Kenya Union of Teachers (KNUT)came out strongly in defense of their teachers against allegations of school girls rape.It is sort of weird because the victims narrated their ordeal on national tv.Dirty men who cannot put their zippers up.Shame on them.
And now the disease has spread to the clergy.In the same province of Nyanza,the case of a catholic priest who defiled a minor then tried bribing her with a hundred shillings,about one American dollar,beats all.The priest then unashamedly visited the girl's family and said mass.The story of wolves in sheepskin has never hit home as it did this past week.
As for Zena,i wish her a quick recovery and hope against all hope that the man responsible for her current situation is not somewhere drinking beer and making merry with friends.
The case of Zena,a sixteen year old girl in Kendu-bey a town in Kenya,east africa pierced through my heart like a sharp knife.My heart bleeds for the innocent girl whose hope of delivering a bundle of joy has turned sour and bitter at the same time.About a year ago she walked into a local hospital to deliver her baby but the doctors decided to do a Cesarean section.Unfortunately the comma inducement drugs that were administered on her have put her down ever since.Her baby has since died for lack of motherly care.Naturally,the doctors don't want to admit to negligence on there part.Who shall come to the rescue of this innocent child?With the only care coming from her poor old grandmother,why did the hospital discharge her before she recovered fully? All these questions beg for answers.Something is truly amiss and the lives of our women and girls need to be protected especially when they are due to deliver.
While this is happening it is disheartening to hear of men who have turned into wolves in sheepskin.The Kenya Union of Teachers (KNUT)came out strongly in defense of their teachers against allegations of school girls rape.It is sort of weird because the victims narrated their ordeal on national tv.Dirty men who cannot put their zippers up.Shame on them.
And now the disease has spread to the clergy.In the same province of Nyanza,the case of a catholic priest who defiled a minor then tried bribing her with a hundred shillings,about one American dollar,beats all.The priest then unashamedly visited the girl's family and said mass.The story of wolves in sheepskin has never hit home as it did this past week.
As for Zena,i wish her a quick recovery and hope against all hope that the man responsible for her current situation is not somewhere drinking beer and making merry with friends.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Take Charge Of Your Thought Patterns And Be Empowered
Each and every single day millions of thoughts drop into our minds.These thoughts determine the kinds of lives we eventually live.Some people live victorious lives while others live defeated,frustrated desperate lives.Some people due to their upbringing don't seem to be able to be rid of Negative thoughts.Its all they have been pumped with since they were children.Maybe your teacher told you that you are stupid,or fat or good for nothing.And that has stuck and continued to rule your life.
It is important to know that thoughts become things.Everything that we see with our physical eyes initially was a thought.That is why we hear things like premeditated murder.The moment we learn to train ourselves to think positively and not negatively we are on our way to rich victorious lives.Whatever you constantly put your thoughts on or you dwell on eventually becomes manifest.Millionaires think of new conquests and more innovative businesses and they continue smiling all the way to the banks.
Just for a moment pose and ask yourself, what constitutes your daily thoughts?
Whatever is your answer will tell you who you are as a person.A train of thought that is destructive will not want to encounter a positive thought.So if you have been having these destructive thoughts what you really need to do is to slowly but surely train your mind to think positive.This may be hard at first but with practice you will see that it becomes second nature.Read a lot of inspirational books.In fact have a book to read at any given time.
Yes it is possible to be a victor and not be a victim throughout your life.Today go out there and think positive.Even if a few negative thoughts enter your mind,don't worry,tomorrow we do this all over again until we break the chain of negativity.
It is important to know that thoughts become things.Everything that we see with our physical eyes initially was a thought.That is why we hear things like premeditated murder.The moment we learn to train ourselves to think positively and not negatively we are on our way to rich victorious lives.Whatever you constantly put your thoughts on or you dwell on eventually becomes manifest.Millionaires think of new conquests and more innovative businesses and they continue smiling all the way to the banks.
Just for a moment pose and ask yourself, what constitutes your daily thoughts?
Whatever is your answer will tell you who you are as a person.A train of thought that is destructive will not want to encounter a positive thought.So if you have been having these destructive thoughts what you really need to do is to slowly but surely train your mind to think positive.This may be hard at first but with practice you will see that it becomes second nature.Read a lot of inspirational books.In fact have a book to read at any given time.
Yes it is possible to be a victor and not be a victim throughout your life.Today go out there and think positive.Even if a few negative thoughts enter your mind,don't worry,tomorrow we do this all over again until we break the chain of negativity.
Friday, June 18, 2010
De-Mystifying The Lady's Handbag
As the years have advanced,women have continued to be more and more conscious of themselves.Women want to look attractive.Actually a woman will not leave the house without being a hundred percent sure that she looks good.Even after checking and counter checking herself in the mirror,she will still put a small mirror in her handbag so that she repeats the process again;At the bus stop,in the bus,on her way to the office,in the ladies and at her office station.The lady's handbag has grown bigger and bigger as the years advanced.Men always ask themselves what is in a woman's bag.But there is a taboo surrounding the lady's handbag that a man is not allowed to peep inside otherwise he might be met with the unspeakable.All that is myth and fiction because the fact is that the woman's handbag no wonder how big carries the things that the lady need in order to be chique.
Contents Demystified
Face cream/eye pods/eye pencil/mascara
Tissue/wet-wipes/face towel/
Scarf/Umbrella/pair of shoes/
Nail polish/remover/file/manicure set/pedicure set
Sanitary towels
Phone/wallet/mirror/a book or two for reading
Hand lotion/face cream
PEPPER SPREY for security
Business card holder/credit cards/debit cards
Usb cable/spare earings/flash disk/loose change/hankies/earphones
These are just but a summary of the many things found in the ladies handbags.As you can see it is not rocket science.In one of her talk shows Tyra was interviewing some women who had extra big handbags and she tried helping them to at least reduce the package.Ladies are detailed people.You can see that even their cash is well planned.A woman paying for bus fare will not give out a note if she has loose change.She will sort the small money first before using the big notes.
All in all our women teach us a lot about being organised.Kudos Queens.No wonder you are always looking fresh,smelling fresh-the whole day as we men continue to sweat the day out.
Contents Demystified
Face cream/eye pods/eye pencil/mascara
Tissue/wet-wipes/face towel/
Scarf/Umbrella/pair of shoes/
Nail polish/remover/file/manicure set/pedicure set
Sanitary towels
Phone/wallet/mirror/a book or two for reading
Hand lotion/face cream
PEPPER SPREY for security
Business card holder/credit cards/debit cards
Usb cable/spare earings/flash disk/loose change/hankies/earphones
These are just but a summary of the many things found in the ladies handbags.As you can see it is not rocket science.In one of her talk shows Tyra was interviewing some women who had extra big handbags and she tried helping them to at least reduce the package.Ladies are detailed people.You can see that even their cash is well planned.A woman paying for bus fare will not give out a note if she has loose change.She will sort the small money first before using the big notes.
All in all our women teach us a lot about being organised.Kudos Queens.No wonder you are always looking fresh,smelling fresh-the whole day as we men continue to sweat the day out.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Onyancha Teaches Us All A Lesson:Beware
Growing up as a small boy i heard stories of Jack The Ripper.Jack was a famous Serial Killer who preyed on prostitutes and slit their throats.You can imagine the wave of Jack the Ripper was such in my tiny village in Africa shudders reached me and i recoiled at the mention of his name.
Now in our very backyard Kenya,something which was uncommon save for some few isolated cases,Philip Onyancha threatens the lives of our innocent girls and beautiful women.So far having murdered in cold blood 19 people and still having a target of 83 women,this is officially a sick man and i like the way police are guarding him strongly.
Pretty girls and lovely ladies,please take care when walking.Dont keep late hours and dont walk on isolated places.Dont trust anyone!Keep safe and lets pray for our dear nation.Serial killers are sick people and always unpredictable.
Now in our very backyard Kenya,something which was uncommon save for some few isolated cases,Philip Onyancha threatens the lives of our innocent girls and beautiful women.So far having murdered in cold blood 19 people and still having a target of 83 women,this is officially a sick man and i like the way police are guarding him strongly.
Pretty girls and lovely ladies,please take care when walking.Dont keep late hours and dont walk on isolated places.Dont trust anyone!Keep safe and lets pray for our dear nation.Serial killers are sick people and always unpredictable.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Many women walk with a fake positive attitude,but there is no confusing the real thing. It is not brought about by money or material things but by a sheer determination to make it in life and a complete belief in self.
Many a times todays woman is plagued by negative thoughts of giving up. What with the rising costs of living,lack of a sensible income and a shortage of committed men to partner in the life's many ups and downs. Have you ever found yourself in such a situation?Some even have been left with children to fend and the man has gone missing.
The woman being what she is has always found some inner strength to continue and face life
as it dishes what it knows best,hard knocks
Woman,transform yourself. Thats it. Don't expect the shinning prince in armor. And that is why i am against the soap opera mentality because it is confusing many of our young up and coming girls that the good men still exist. Of course some few good men exist sister but go out there with an open mind.
So,back to positive thinking and how it is your only hope of taking hold of your life and transforming it. Take a close look at yourself. Where are you? And where are you headed?
Thump that chest girl and say to yourself,am going to make it. Sheer determination and a belief in yourself will be the only thing that will emancipate you from that that has continually bound you.
Lets be real sister,we are fooling no one but ourselves when we put up a fake smile and pretend to be happy whereas inside we hurt.
So today walk to a mirror woman. Take a long look at yourself. Then take that thought of a prince in shinning armor out of that pretty mind of yours.
You see,men will sometimes take advantage of your innocence and lead you into believing that he loves you. Majority of the times the man is only interested in opening up your legs for his own selfish interests. I like to be plain blank and outright about this topic.
When you are through analyzing yourself girl,go get yourself a life. No fooling around.
Many a times todays woman is plagued by negative thoughts of giving up. What with the rising costs of living,lack of a sensible income and a shortage of committed men to partner in the life's many ups and downs. Have you ever found yourself in such a situation?Some even have been left with children to fend and the man has gone missing.
The woman being what she is has always found some inner strength to continue and face life
as it dishes what it knows best,hard knocks
Woman,transform yourself. Thats it. Don't expect the shinning prince in armor. And that is why i am against the soap opera mentality because it is confusing many of our young up and coming girls that the good men still exist. Of course some few good men exist sister but go out there with an open mind.
So,back to positive thinking and how it is your only hope of taking hold of your life and transforming it. Take a close look at yourself. Where are you? And where are you headed?
Thump that chest girl and say to yourself,am going to make it. Sheer determination and a belief in yourself will be the only thing that will emancipate you from that that has continually bound you.
Lets be real sister,we are fooling no one but ourselves when we put up a fake smile and pretend to be happy whereas inside we hurt.
So today walk to a mirror woman. Take a long look at yourself. Then take that thought of a prince in shinning armor out of that pretty mind of yours.
You see,men will sometimes take advantage of your innocence and lead you into believing that he loves you. Majority of the times the man is only interested in opening up your legs for his own selfish interests. I like to be plain blank and outright about this topic.
When you are through analyzing yourself girl,go get yourself a life. No fooling around.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
How To Look Hot Sexy And Official At The Same Time For The Go-Getter Woman
Many times ladies find themselves in a dilemna when it comes to choosing their clothing.Men tend to have an easier time mainly because they are not too detailed in their dressing apart from some few metro-sexuals.By the way a metro-sexual is a man who is neither male nor female in his dressing and general grooming.Probably you have met them,very particular about their dressing and always obsessively neat.Some wear earrings,plait their hair and even apply lip gloss.
Back to the woman.Below are some tips to help you step out their stylish,sexy and the envy of your Friends.
Whatever you put on,be confident in it.Many women fail this test because they are never confident in what they are wearing.If for example you decide to put on a knee high skirt or even above the knee short mini skirt,don't then keep on pulling it to get longer.Short skirts are not for the faint hearted.They are for he power girl who will then go ahead and run a meeting in a boardroom full of men.A hint for you ladies,if you are confident with yourself,the men will be taken a back by that and the legs will only make their concentration levels high.Warning! if you are faint hearted avoid the mini skirt.
Always bring out your strong points and hide your weak points.When choosing your clothing highlight your assets.If you have big hips,wear that nice fitting black trouser which brings out your hips out in an attractive way.You manage to be sexy and official at the same time.For shoes choose average heels.Not too high and not too low.
If you have a big bust put on something that brings it out without showing too much.If your bust is small,polo necks and sweaters will do.
The greatest commandment in a girls wardrobe is keeping simple and neat.Not unless you are a celebrity in showbiz.
You dont want to overdo it in an effort to look hot.Simple things like your panty line being visible are a big no no.Whether you are putting on a skirt or a trouser you should be careful so that you appear sexy to the guy looking at you.
Bad Hair Day
Bad hair days are every woman's nightmare.With the rising cost of living,you may find yourself missing some appointments with your hairdresser.You have to go to work and it is very disturbing.As we all know hair is a woman's most treasured asset.
On a bad hair day distract all attention from your hair.For example put on some nice jewelry or a really classy shoe.You can even choose one of your best handbags.
It is very crucial that we maintain a high standard of hygiene to complete the whole picture.
Teeth should be brushed atleast twice a day
Shower twice a day
Use nice perfume(not cheap)
Nails should be well manicured
Toes well pedicured
These pointers will help todays woman look feel and act hot,sexy and official at the same time.
Back to the woman.Below are some tips to help you step out their stylish,sexy and the envy of your Friends.
Whatever you put on,be confident in it.Many women fail this test because they are never confident in what they are wearing.If for example you decide to put on a knee high skirt or even above the knee short mini skirt,don't then keep on pulling it to get longer.Short skirts are not for the faint hearted.They are for he power girl who will then go ahead and run a meeting in a boardroom full of men.A hint for you ladies,if you are confident with yourself,the men will be taken a back by that and the legs will only make their concentration levels high.Warning! if you are faint hearted avoid the mini skirt.
Always bring out your strong points and hide your weak points.When choosing your clothing highlight your assets.If you have big hips,wear that nice fitting black trouser which brings out your hips out in an attractive way.You manage to be sexy and official at the same time.For shoes choose average heels.Not too high and not too low.
If you have a big bust put on something that brings it out without showing too much.If your bust is small,polo necks and sweaters will do.
The greatest commandment in a girls wardrobe is keeping simple and neat.Not unless you are a celebrity in showbiz.
You dont want to overdo it in an effort to look hot.Simple things like your panty line being visible are a big no no.Whether you are putting on a skirt or a trouser you should be careful so that you appear sexy to the guy looking at you.
Bad Hair Day
Bad hair days are every woman's nightmare.With the rising cost of living,you may find yourself missing some appointments with your hairdresser.You have to go to work and it is very disturbing.As we all know hair is a woman's most treasured asset.
On a bad hair day distract all attention from your hair.For example put on some nice jewelry or a really classy shoe.You can even choose one of your best handbags.
It is very crucial that we maintain a high standard of hygiene to complete the whole picture.
Teeth should be brushed atleast twice a day
Shower twice a day
Use nice perfume(not cheap)
Nails should be well manicured
Toes well pedicured
These pointers will help todays woman look feel and act hot,sexy and official at the same time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Obama's Grandmother Awarded Honorary Doctorate
I always say that my blog celebrates the woman and her achievements.This holds true in the latest development of Barrack Obama's grandmother mama Sarah Obama.The Great Lakes University conferred the Octogenarian with the doctorate for her contribution in empowering other women and society as a whole.
Even though Dr Sarah can only speak her native dholuo,what she has achieved is worth marveling at.She has continued being an inspiration to other women despite her advanced age.
Mama Sarah(now Dr)shot to the limelight during the run up to The Us presidential elections in 2008.The worlds attention was pointed to Kogelo Village and to Dr Sara's living room as she followed the campaigns religiously.
Women you have it in you.You can surpass all obstacles and become the best.You were created to become the best so let no one intimidate you.
Many thirty year olds and forty year olds and fifty year olds are perhaps sitting somewhere feeling sorry for themselves and thinking that they cannot amount to anything .Please pull yourself together and go for it woman.Go back to school,take a course and advance yourself.
Be the best you can become.
Even though Dr Sarah can only speak her native dholuo,what she has achieved is worth marveling at.She has continued being an inspiration to other women despite her advanced age.
Mama Sarah(now Dr)shot to the limelight during the run up to The Us presidential elections in 2008.The worlds attention was pointed to Kogelo Village and to Dr Sara's living room as she followed the campaigns religiously.
Women you have it in you.You can surpass all obstacles and become the best.You were created to become the best so let no one intimidate you.
Many thirty year olds and forty year olds and fifty year olds are perhaps sitting somewhere feeling sorry for themselves and thinking that they cannot amount to anything .Please pull yourself together and go for it woman.Go back to school,take a course and advance yourself.
Be the best you can become.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Some Men Are Beasts If We Go By The Banana Defiling
The tag men are beasts sometimes can hold water,even though not all of them.When some of us are spending sleepless nights worrying about the well being of our precious little ones,some who already have them in their care are taking advantage of them.The story of a middle aged man in Banana,Nairobi is a shocking example of an enemy within.
The man defiled his three children,a seven year old girl,a five year old boy and a one year old girl.This is an abomination of the highest order and a beastly act if you ask me.
The children were afraid of telling as the defilement went on for days,but the girl decided that enough was enough and confided with her mother.The small girl narrated every detail of how the Father undressed her then removed his trousers and proceeded to defile her.Believe it or not this happened.One person told me once we are as good as our weakest link.Is this what we have become as Citizens.Have we now turned against our very own children?
The children were all taken to NAIROBI WOMEN HOSPITAL but referred to Kenyatta national hospital because of the extent of their injuries.
Parents are advised to always scrutinize the private parts of their small children on a daily basis.Those who defile this little angels might not be far off.It may be that uncle who visits you frequently,the friendly neighbor,or that live in brother in-law.
The man defiled his three children,a seven year old girl,a five year old boy and a one year old girl.This is an abomination of the highest order and a beastly act if you ask me.
The children were afraid of telling as the defilement went on for days,but the girl decided that enough was enough and confided with her mother.The small girl narrated every detail of how the Father undressed her then removed his trousers and proceeded to defile her.Believe it or not this happened.One person told me once we are as good as our weakest link.Is this what we have become as Citizens.Have we now turned against our very own children?
The children were all taken to NAIROBI WOMEN HOSPITAL but referred to Kenyatta national hospital because of the extent of their injuries.
Parents are advised to always scrutinize the private parts of their small children on a daily basis.Those who defile this little angels might not be far off.It may be that uncle who visits you frequently,the friendly neighbor,or that live in brother in-law.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My Girls Are Now Officially Of The Tulenyuks Tribe As A Result Of Housegirls Short Stunts
You may be wondering what tribe the Tulenyuks is,but hold on i will tell you.You see
i have been struggling over the past few months to get a stable House assistant to no avail.Within that period i have ended up with a myriad of girls with different dialects,behaviors and of different tribes.I am not saying that they were bad,but it is very hard to get a person who has been tailor made for you.I know that women will agree wit me on this.She is either too conservative or too outgoing.Whatever the case there will always be something that will bring you at a collision course.
Back to the tribe Tulenyuks.Those three months that i have hired house assistants,i have landed a kikuyu,kamba luhya kalejin meru kisii and now presently luhya again.All these fine ladies have their own mannerism and dialects.These they have impacted to my girls and hence the term i came up with Tulenyuks.This is just a way of saying that as parents who are upwardly mobile and always on the move,we are forced to leave our children sometimes with total strangers and only hope that God almighty will protect them from many a dangers in their day to day living.
Landing a stable house girl in today's world is next to impossible.That now brings a job that is on high demand.Full time mothers.Today's women don't want to be full time mothers.They prefer to leave their children with the House assistant.This has contributed to the rise in early teenage imbalance.When children reach their teens with no parent near to counsel and direct them but the house assistant then it gets tricky.
Parents even though our kids become Tulenyuks,lets always find some time to sit down with them and have a serious talk.
i have been struggling over the past few months to get a stable House assistant to no avail.Within that period i have ended up with a myriad of girls with different dialects,behaviors and of different tribes.I am not saying that they were bad,but it is very hard to get a person who has been tailor made for you.I know that women will agree wit me on this.She is either too conservative or too outgoing.Whatever the case there will always be something that will bring you at a collision course.
Back to the tribe Tulenyuks.Those three months that i have hired house assistants,i have landed a kikuyu,kamba luhya kalejin meru kisii and now presently luhya again.All these fine ladies have their own mannerism and dialects.These they have impacted to my girls and hence the term i came up with Tulenyuks.This is just a way of saying that as parents who are upwardly mobile and always on the move,we are forced to leave our children sometimes with total strangers and only hope that God almighty will protect them from many a dangers in their day to day living.
Landing a stable house girl in today's world is next to impossible.That now brings a job that is on high demand.Full time mothers.Today's women don't want to be full time mothers.They prefer to leave their children with the House assistant.This has contributed to the rise in early teenage imbalance.When children reach their teens with no parent near to counsel and direct them but the house assistant then it gets tricky.
Parents even though our kids become Tulenyuks,lets always find some time to sit down with them and have a serious talk.
Friday, April 16, 2010
How To Tell If Your Man Is Cheating On You
To a woman a relationship is very sensitive thing.That is why women are affected most in break ups.This is not to say that men are not affected too.When two people start a relationship,the agreement is always mutual.No matter the level of openness,cheating can be heartbreaking.So ladies how do you tell that your man is cheating?
The phone calls get fewer and fewer.The man had been calling twice or thrice a day and now he calls you after two days?That is a sure enough sign that he is seeing someone else.The problem with the ladies is that they don't want to believe the worst.Be mature enough and ask your man if you can have a talk about this.Problem is that men are not good communicators and he may end up evading you.No matter the case find a way out to nip the problem at the budding stage.
Phone is always on vibrate or silent:He used to be a ring tone addict and then all of a sudden his phone is on silent mode?That means he doesn't want you to know when her other girl is calling.Most of the time he will pick his calls from outside away from you.
You wonder why the man stood you up on valentines day and he has never done it before.Well girl,the boy is seeing someone else.Days like valentines,Anniversaries birthdays and graduations should not be forgotten.If now he is forgetting your birthday that should send a red light blinking.
It is not a crime to dress sharply,but if he starts dressing smartly and overdoing it on a daily basis,then you need to watch out.A man seeing a new woman wants to impress her.So if you want your man back before the other man steals him do something.
The man used to come straight home from work and even when he was having a drink with the boys,not later than nine pm.Now he is coming at one am and sometimes sleeping out.Well that is a sure sign that another woman is offering him the goodies.Excuses like he was working late don't hold any water any more and you shouldn't fall for them.
He is now wearing a new perfume and using some strange bathing soap.You don't have to wait until he comes home with lipstick smudge on his shirt.You either take your leave or take your man back.
So girls,these are just some of the tell tale signs that your man is most definitely seeing someone else.
The phone calls get fewer and fewer.The man had been calling twice or thrice a day and now he calls you after two days?That is a sure enough sign that he is seeing someone else.The problem with the ladies is that they don't want to believe the worst.Be mature enough and ask your man if you can have a talk about this.Problem is that men are not good communicators and he may end up evading you.No matter the case find a way out to nip the problem at the budding stage.
Phone is always on vibrate or silent:He used to be a ring tone addict and then all of a sudden his phone is on silent mode?That means he doesn't want you to know when her other girl is calling.Most of the time he will pick his calls from outside away from you.
You wonder why the man stood you up on valentines day and he has never done it before.Well girl,the boy is seeing someone else.Days like valentines,Anniversaries birthdays and graduations should not be forgotten.If now he is forgetting your birthday that should send a red light blinking.
It is not a crime to dress sharply,but if he starts dressing smartly and overdoing it on a daily basis,then you need to watch out.A man seeing a new woman wants to impress her.So if you want your man back before the other man steals him do something.
The man used to come straight home from work and even when he was having a drink with the boys,not later than nine pm.Now he is coming at one am and sometimes sleeping out.Well that is a sure sign that another woman is offering him the goodies.Excuses like he was working late don't hold any water any more and you shouldn't fall for them.
He is now wearing a new perfume and using some strange bathing soap.You don't have to wait until he comes home with lipstick smudge on his shirt.You either take your leave or take your man back.
So girls,these are just some of the tell tale signs that your man is most definitely seeing someone else.
Of Sex Business Dark Alleys Of River Road And The Extortionists
When dark falls upon the city of Nairobi,River road wakes up.A flurry of activities sets upon the many streets and alleys.Pubs are full of party enthusiasts.All these is centered on one thing, SEX. Hundreds of girls throng the different corners,pubs and streets ready to sell themselves for as little as a dollar.The uniformed boys take the advantage and prey on the unsuspecting men who they arrest for a release fine of as much as a thousand shillings.The street sweepers are not left behind and are there to arrest the girls,for a fine of course.Once i witnessed a typical arrest taking place.A girl who was barely eighteen was fleeing at high speed from the council officers.Her short skirt barely covering her essentials.The brutal guys were not gentle at all when they caught up with her and even slapped her.I think the council should give these operations to female officers instead of the men.The sex industry is vast in the city of Nairobi seeing all these stakeholders being pulled by it.
In the mix of this is the strip clubs where some other girls get their income.Interestingly,strip clubs attract different classes of girls.Some of the decent girls you might be working with might just be a stripper.So the big question is why do they do it?well the rise in cost of living plays a Major part in it.That is why i think something ought to be done and quick because life is not getting simpler but harder by the day.New employment opportunities need to be created for these girls.
Whatever the case,i still think that our girls deserve better than the dungeons.Someone stretch your hand and offer a helping hand to one girl.Help her through school so that she doesn't end up in the streets selling herself.
In the mix of this is the strip clubs where some other girls get their income.Interestingly,strip clubs attract different classes of girls.Some of the decent girls you might be working with might just be a stripper.So the big question is why do they do it?well the rise in cost of living plays a Major part in it.That is why i think something ought to be done and quick because life is not getting simpler but harder by the day.New employment opportunities need to be created for these girls.
Whatever the case,i still think that our girls deserve better than the dungeons.Someone stretch your hand and offer a helping hand to one girl.Help her through school so that s
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Positive Inspiration For The Young Girl Turning To Womanhood
Young girl i am passionate about you.That is why i implore you to keep the hope alive.Growing up,you were always looked down upon.Given second place.Told that you could not do well enough.When you performed better than the boys,then that made news headlines.
I am telling you now.YOUNG beautiful innocent GIRL.Brace yourself for the future.Draw inspiration from deep inside yourself.When life's disappointments and discouragements come your way.When your heart is heavy.When you feel shut down from the rest of the world.Then Young girl know this one thing.You can only look inside yourself.
Learn,my little girl to inspire yourself.When all signs tell you to brood,listen for that faint voice that tells you to smile.Behind every dark cloud,is a silver lining.
Sing the song if need be,
Recite if need be
Memorize if need be
These words are your lifeline.I will make it.I can make it.I am a winner.I am an over comer.I am a life changer.In a male dominated world,the words that come from your mouth matter.The thoughts that run through your mind matter.They should only be positive thoughts.Positive Words.The glass should always be half full,never half empty.
Young girl,Soon you are becoming a young pretty Woman.Ready yourself for the corporate world.Take no for an answer if need be.Conquer the world.Yes you can make it.The only thing that stands between you and your goal,is You.Believe in yourself,that is your tag-line,that is your life line.Your line.Draw it and don't move.The buck stops with you.You are the greatest.Go get them girl.
I am telling you now.YOUNG beautiful innocent GIRL.Brace yourself for the future.Draw inspiration from deep inside yourself.When life's disappointments and discouragements come your way.When your heart is heavy.When you feel shut down from the rest of the world.Then Young girl know this one thing.You can only look inside yourself.
Learn,my little girl to inspire yourself.When all signs tell you to brood,listen for that faint voice that tells you to smile.Behind every dark cloud,is a silver lining.
Sing the song if need be,
Recite if need be
Memorize if need be
These words are your lifeline.I will make it.I can make it.I am a winner.I am an over comer.I am a life changer.In a male dominated world,the words that come from your mouth matter.The thoughts that run through your mind matter.They should only be positive thoughts.Positive Words.The glass should always be half full,never half empty.
Young girl,Soon you are becoming a young pretty Woman.Ready yourself for the corporate world.Take no for an answer if need be.Conquer the world.Yes you can make it.The only thing that stands between you and your goal,is You.Believe in yourself,that is your tag-line,that is your life line.Your line.Draw it and don't move.The buck stops with you.You are the greatest.Go get them girl.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Kenyan Girls Having A Rough Time In Dubai And Saudi Arabia
It has become common news recently.Young girls narrating their horrifying ordeals
in the foreign Arabian countries.Gross violation of human rights of our young beautiful girls.The two countries namely Dubai and Saudi Arabia are notorious for torturing the girls who are lured there by a promise of a better life and a chance to finally do something worthwhile.
Kenyan girls are among the most hardworking in the world.They are not the ones to while their time doing nothing because as future mothers they know that they have to prepare something for their off-springs.Even back here at home they do various jobs like domestic work,factory work and so forth and so on.It therefore comes as a shock to see our innocent girls being taken advantage and used sometimes even murdered as they fulfill Gods commandment.Thou shall eat from your sweat.
Several girls have actually been murdered by their so called employees in the foreign lands for no obvious reasons.Those that have been lucky enough have spent endless days bargaining with the Kenyan embassy on ways of coming back.The hands off approach taken by the government of Kenya and the Embassies leaves a lot to be desired.As for those who are treating our girls like worthless beings,there is only one thing to say to them.Their hour of reckoning is coming when the almighty will repay them.
in the foreign Arabian countries.Gross violation of human rights of our young beautiful girls.The two countries namely Dubai and Saudi Arabia are notorious for torturing the girls who are lured there by a promise of a better life and a chance to finally do something worthwhile.
Kenyan girls are among the most hardworking in the world.They are not the ones to while their time doing nothing because as future mothers they know that they have to prepare something for their off-springs.Even back here at home they do various jobs like domestic work,factory work and so forth and so on.It therefore comes as a shock to see our innocent girls being taken advantage and used sometimes even murdered as they fulfill Gods commandment.Thou shall eat from your sweat.
Several girls have actually been murdered by their so called employees in the foreign lands for no obvious reasons.Those that have been lucky enough have spent endless days bargaining with the Kenyan embassy on ways of coming back.The hands off approach taken by the government of Kenya and the Embassies leaves a lot to be desired.As for those who are treating our girls like worthless beings,there is only one thing to say to them.Their hour of reckoning is coming when the almighty will repay them.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Commercial Sex Workers Speak Up On Their Human Rights
She spoke bravely and without fear declaring on national TV that she was a sex worker
who demanded her rights.This was my first time to see such an interview and obviously i was interested to hear her story.The reason she chose to omit the word commercial in her title is she claims sex is work just like any other.If you you are a lawyer you don't refer to yourself as a commercial lawyer.Same to a doctor and so on and so forth.She was accompanied to the studio by Zawadi Nyong'o,an independent consultant and writer who spoke passionately about her cause,fighting for the rights of prostitutes.
Police harassment,unnecessary arrests and violence meted out by the very clients who have sex with them is just but among the many ills that a sex worker has to go through on a normal day.A sex worker who goes through a rape ordeal is never taken seriously when she reports to the authorities.The police assume that since she is in the sex business,she deserves to be raped!can you imagine that?
Some clients demand to have unprotected sex with the sex workers thus exposing them to HIV and AIDS.According to Zawadi Nyongo sex work or prostitution is just work like any other and prostitutes should not be victimized and stigmatized by society.Prostitution is the oldest profession.It has been there since the beginning and shall always be there with us.None of the said sex workers chose to be involved in the business but according to Zawadi,life's circumstances forces most girls to do it.Faced with a choice of either being a domestic worker earning a paltry fifteen hundred shillings a month and being a prostitute,most opt for the more lucrative deal.
The interviewer tried to go the morality way but was quickly silenced by the fact that even Jesus Himself treated a prostitute with compassion.'If we begin to discuss the issue of human rights for the prostitutes on a morals point of view,then we will not address the pertinent issues by the end of the day'said Zawadi
on the question of morality.
The sex worker said that it is always a two way business and that no man is ever forced to have sex with a prostitute.
Prostitutes are not aliens from planet mars.They are our sisters,our cousins,aunts mothers and daughters.Treat them with the respect they deserve as human beings.The bible tells us to judge not so as not to be judged.Jesus faced by a crowd baying for the blood of a prostitute,bent down,scribbled on the ground and invited the first person who had never sinned to throw the first stone.They left,starting from the oldest to the youngest.
Well,my point of view is that lets change the way we look at the sex workers and treat the sisters nicely.
who demanded her rights.This was my first time to see such an interview and obviously i was interested to hear her story.The reason she chose to omit the word commercial in her title is she claims sex is work just like any other.If you you are a lawyer you don't refer to yourself as a commercial lawyer.Same to a doctor and so on and so forth.She was accompanied to the studio by Zawadi Nyong'o,an independent consultant and writer who spoke passionately about her cause,fighting for the rights of prostitutes.
Police harassment,unnecessary arrests and violence meted out by the very clients who have sex with them is just but among the many ills that a sex worker has to go through on a normal day.A sex worker who goes through a rape ordeal is never taken seriously when she reports to the authorities.The police assume that since she is in the sex business,she deserves to be raped!can you imagine that?
Some clients demand to have unprotected sex with the sex workers thus exposing them to HIV and AIDS.According to Zawadi Nyongo sex work or prostitution is just work like any other and prostitutes should not be victimized and stigmatized by society.Prostitution is the oldest profession.It has been there since the beginning and shall always be there with us.None of the said sex workers chose to be involved in the business but according to Zawadi,life's circumstances forces most girls to do it.Faced with a choice of either being a domestic worker earning a paltry fifteen hundred shillings a month and being a prostitute,most opt for the more lucrative deal.
The interviewer tried to go the morality way but was quickly silenced by the fact that even Jesus Himself treated a prostitute with compassion.'If we begin to discuss the issue of human rights for the prostitutes on a morals point of view,then we will not address the pertinent issues by the end of the day'said Zawadi
on the question of morality.
The sex worker said that it is always a two way business and that no man is ever forced to have sex with a prostitute.
Prostitutes are not aliens from planet mars.They are our sisters,our cousins,aunts mothers and daughters.Treat them with the respect they deserve as human beings.The bible tells us to judge not so as not to be judged.Jesus faced by a crowd baying for the blood of a prostitute,bent down,scribbled on the ground and invited the first person who had never sinned to throw the first stone.They left,starting from the oldest to the youngest.
Well,my point of view is that lets change the way we look at the sex workers and treat the sisters nicely.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Grannies In Kenya's Korogocho Fight Rape The Hard Way
Grannies in Nairobi's slum Korogocho have decided not to take things lying down.They are learning martial arts to defend themselves from rapists.This is one of the most powerful things i have heard in recent times.Rape is a big problem in the country and especially when affecting our grandmothers.In a country where politics is slow in enacting policy to help such people,they can only rely on themselves to beat the odds.
Well in the movie big mama by Martin Lawrence,there is a scene where grannies are taught martial arts to fight against rapists.The first time i saw the movie i thought it only happens in the states.The problem of rape to our women is a very sensitive one and should be addressed as a priority.
Big kudos to Sheila Kariuki who trains the old women and she says that so long as the women know where to hit,they should be able to overcome an attacker.I only hope that non governmental organizations and the government can come to the rescue of this obviously brave women and offer them the much needed protection even as they defend themselves.
Well in the movie big mama by Martin Lawrence,there is a scene where grannies are taught martial arts to fight against rapists.The first time i saw the movie i thought it only happens in the states.The problem of rape to our women is a very sensitive one and should be addressed as a priority.
Big kudos to Sheila Kariuki who trains the old women and she says that so long as the women know where to hit,they should be able to overcome an attacker.I only hope that non governmental organizations and the government can come to the rescue of this obviously brave women and offer them the much needed protection even as they defend themselves.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How To Treat Your Domestic Assistant With The Respect She Deserves

Most people especially women treat their domestic assistants otherwise referred to as house girls with utter contempt.It is imperative that we all realize the human rights of this innocent girls.Treating your domestic assistant with love and respect shows that you appreciate the girl and respect the female gender.
Most of these domestic workers come from poor families and others are orphans who need love.Treating them with disdain only makes them remember their ugly past and want to join their parents.
In Africa due to due to conflict,many girls find themselves in a situation of fending for themselves and this where we are now.
Ways to treat nicely
God pay
Give your house help enough money as she literally runs you home in your absence.Most domestic assistants are paid peanuts by their employees.The employees feel that the young women don't have needs since they eat,bathe and sleep in their house.This is a misconception especially when we look at the aspect of the girls fending for other siblings.Less than a dollar a day is not sufficient and therefore increasing the salary will go a long way in making you house girl feel good.
Give your domestic assistant some breathing space.Remember she is just a person just like you and your daughter for that matter.Once you have laid down the duty rota,give the girl the prerogative to go about her business the way she sees fit so long as she doesn't go overboard and does other unnecessary things.
Reward your domestic assistant every now and then.It feels good to be appreciated after doing a good job.Take her out for dinner or better still for a holiday depending on the level of work she has done.
That girl will not remain a house girl forever so be the one to take her through school so that she can learn new skills and become empowered in life.
No matter what you do or how long you stay with that house girl,make sure that she leaves your house an enlightened,empowered girl.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Compliment that woman,she deserves it

A compliment goes a long way especially when given with sincerity.Our women are princesses queens and angels.They were created by the almighty to adorn the universe like beautiful flowers.They are lovely,gorgeous,stunning and shinning.
I think men should learn to compliment the women without the slightest flicker of flattery whatsoever.Flattery my friends is the worst expression we can use because it is fake.We should learn to be original in complimenting to get the best effects.
Things to compliment
nice top
nice earrings
nice shoes
great hairstyle
nice perfume
nice manicure/pedicure
nice handbag
Each and everyone of the above plus many more is a woman's pride.Women put a lot of
detail when it comes to dressing.Take note of everything that your woman is adorning and know what she wants you to notice.It would be really rude if you didn't notice the new shoe that she wore just for you.Please take note and compliment her sincerely from your heart.
In the book of genesis Adam had to wait for sometime as Eve was being spruced up by God.When she finally came Adam complimented her by saying this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.In other words,wow! you look gorgeous!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Women arise no time to waste

The world is moving at a very fast pace.Everything has changed and women find themselves having to take up roles that were considered male domain.This is one of the best things to happen since our girls and women are being empowered.I remember growing up with my four brothers and three sisters.Our parents always made it look like our sisters were weaker and we the boys were expected to sort of protect them from harm.They were expected to do the household chores as we sat around like bosses.Today i have three daughters of my own and i realize that the world has changed and they need to be empowered of their rights at an early age.
Parents who are bringing up girls have a very big tasks of ensuring that they bring them up to take their part in society as aggressive citizens in order that they can cope with the current rough situation of the world.
Empowering our girls at an early age will go a long way in averting societal evils like rape and domestic violence.How is that?you may ask.Everything in this world is initiated from the mind.If we can put the right mindsets in our girls we can in future be guaranteed to get women that are fully liberated.
Another question that may arise is whether this may affect their love life.I think that relationships that work out well are those that both the man and woman have equal rights and can decide where they want to take their love.
It is time women and there is no time to waste.I am always excited by the site of a woman behind the wheels of a eighteen wheeler controlling it like a toy.
Women,what men can do you can do better!
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