Monday, April 26, 2010

Some Men Are Beasts If We Go By The Banana Defiling

The tag men are beasts sometimes can hold water,even though not all of them.When some of us are spending sleepless nights worrying about the well being of our precious little ones,some who already have them in their care are taking advantage of them.The story of a middle aged man in Banana,Nairobi is a shocking example of an enemy within.
The man defiled his three children,a seven year old girl,a five year old boy and a one year old girl.This is an abomination of the highest order and a beastly act if you ask me.
The children were afraid of telling as the defilement went on for days,but the girl decided that enough was enough and confided with her mother.The small girl narrated every detail of how the Father undressed her then removed his trousers and proceeded to defile her.Believe it or not this happened.One person told me once we are as good as our weakest link.Is this what we have become as Citizens.Have we now turned against our very own children?
The children were all taken to NAIROBI WOMEN HOSPITAL but referred to Kenyatta national hospital because of the extent of their injuries.
Parents are advised to always scrutinize the private parts of their small children on a daily basis.Those who defile this little angels might not be far off.It may be that uncle who visits you frequently,the friendly neighbor,or that live in brother in-law.

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