A compliment goes a long way especially when given with sincerity.Our women are princesses queens and angels.They were created by the almighty to adorn the universe like beautiful flowers.They are lovely,gorgeous,stunning and shinning.
I think men should learn to compliment the women without the slightest flicker of flattery whatsoever.Flattery my friends is the worst expression we can use because it is fake.We should learn to be original in complimenting to get the best effects.
Things to compliment
nice top
nice earrings
nice shoes
great hairstyle
nice perfume
nice manicure/pedicure
nice handbag
Each and everyone of the above plus many more is a woman's pride.Women put a lot of
detail when it comes to dressing.Take note of everything that your woman is adorning and know what she wants you to notice.It would be really rude if you didn't notice the new shoe that she wore just for you.Please take note and compliment her sincerely from your heart.
In the book of genesis Adam had to wait for sometime as Eve was being spruced up by God.When she finally came Adam complimented her by saying this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.In other words,wow! you look gorgeous!
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