Most people especially women treat their domestic assistants otherwise referred to as house girls with utter contempt.It is imperative that we all realize the human rights of this innocent girls.Treating your domestic assistant with love and respect shows that you appreciate the girl and respect the female gender.
Most of these domestic workers come from poor families and others are orphans who need love.Treating them with disdain only makes them remember their ugly past and want to join their parents.
In Africa due to due to conflict,many girls find themselves in a situation of fending for themselves and this where we are now.
Ways to treat nicely
God pay
Give your house help enough money as she literally runs you home in your absence.Most domestic assistants are paid peanuts by their employees.The employees feel that the young women don't have needs since they eat,bathe and sleep in their house.This is a misconception especially when we look at the aspect of the girls fending for other siblings.Less than a dollar a day is not sufficient and therefore increasing the salary will go a long way in making you house girl feel good.
Give your domestic assistant some breathing space.Remember she is just a person just like you and your daughter for that matter.Once you have laid down the duty rota,give the girl the prerogative to go about her business the way she sees fit so long as she doesn't go overboard and does other unnecessary things.
Reward your domestic assistant every now and then.It feels good to be appreciated after doing a good job.Take her out for dinner or better still for a holiday depending on the level of work she has done.
That girl will not remain a house girl forever so be the one to take her through school so that she can learn new skills and become empowered in life.
No matter what you do or how long you stay with that house girl,make sure that she leaves your house an enlightened,empowered girl.
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