Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Take Charge Of Your Thought Patterns And Be Empowered

Each and every single day millions of thoughts drop into our minds.These thoughts determine the kinds of lives we eventually live.Some people live victorious lives while others live defeated,frustrated desperate lives.Some people due to their upbringing don't seem to be able to be rid of Negative thoughts.Its all they have been pumped with since they were children.Maybe your teacher told you that you are stupid,or fat or good for nothing.And that has stuck and continued to rule your life.
It is important to know that thoughts become things.Everything that we see with our physical eyes initially was a thought.That is why we hear things like premeditated murder.The moment we learn to train ourselves to think positively and not negatively we are on our way to rich victorious lives.Whatever you constantly put your thoughts on or you dwell on eventually becomes manifest.Millionaires think of new conquests and more innovative businesses and they continue smiling all the way to the banks.
Just for a moment pose and ask yourself, what constitutes your daily thoughts?
Whatever is your answer will tell you who you are as a person.A train of thought that is destructive will not want to encounter a positive thought.So if you have been having these destructive thoughts what you really need to do is to slowly but surely train your mind to think positive.This may be hard at first but with practice you will see that it becomes second nature.Read a lot of inspirational books.In fact have a book to read at any given time.
Yes it is possible to be a victor and not be a victim throughout your life.Today go out there and think positive.Even if a few negative thoughts enter your mind,don't worry,tomorrow we do this all over again until we break the chain of negativity.

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