She spoke bravely and without fear declaring on national TV that she was a sex worker
who demanded her rights.This was my first time to see such an interview and obviously i was interested to hear her story.The reason she chose to omit the word commercial in her title is she claims sex is work just like any other.If you you are a lawyer you don't refer to yourself as a commercial lawyer.Same to a doctor and so on and so forth.She was accompanied to the studio by Zawadi Nyong'o,an independent consultant and writer who spoke passionately about her cause,fighting for the rights of prostitutes.
Police harassment,unnecessary arrests and violence meted out by the very clients who have sex with them is just but among the many ills that a sex worker has to go through on a normal day.A sex worker who goes through a rape ordeal is never taken seriously when she reports to the authorities.The police assume that since she is in the sex business,she deserves to be raped!can you imagine that?
Some clients demand to have unprotected sex with the sex workers thus exposing them to HIV and AIDS.According to Zawadi Nyongo sex work or prostitution is just work like any other and prostitutes should not be victimized and stigmatized by society.Prostitution is the oldest profession.It has been there since the beginning and shall always be there with us.None of the said sex workers chose to be involved in the business but according to Zawadi,life's circumstances forces most girls to do it.Faced with a choice of either being a domestic worker earning a paltry fifteen hundred shillings a month and being a prostitute,most opt for the more lucrative deal.
The interviewer tried to go the morality way but was quickly silenced by the fact that even Jesus Himself treated a prostitute with compassion.'If we begin to discuss the issue of human rights for the prostitutes on a morals point of view,then we will not address the pertinent issues by the end of the day'said Zawadi
on the question of morality.
The sex worker said that it is always a two way business and that no man is ever forced to have sex with a prostitute.
Prostitutes are not aliens from planet mars.They are our sisters,our cousins,aunts mothers and daughters.Treat them with the respect they deserve as human beings.The bible tells us to judge not so as not to be judged.Jesus faced by a crowd baying for the blood of a prostitute,bent down,scribbled on the ground and invited the first person who had never sinned to throw the first stone.They left,starting from the oldest to the youngest.
Well,my point of view is that lets change the way we look at the sex workers and treat the sisters nicely.
Empowering the female gender in issues concerning their well being such as sexuality relationships and averting violence against women empowering them to reach their potential.Those in need of romance and tips to get their love too will benefit in this blog.Women empowerment and rights of the marginalized girl as an integral and fundamental part of society, by marginalized meaning the street girls and commercial sex workers otherwise known as the red light girls.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Grannies In Kenya's Korogocho Fight Rape The Hard Way
Grannies in Nairobi's slum Korogocho have decided not to take things lying down.They are learning martial arts to defend themselves from rapists.This is one of the most powerful things i have heard in recent times.Rape is a big problem in the country and especially when affecting our grandmothers.In a country where politics is slow in enacting policy to help such people,they can only rely on themselves to beat the odds.
Well in the movie big mama by Martin Lawrence,there is a scene where grannies are taught martial arts to fight against rapists.The first time i saw the movie i thought it only happens in the states.The problem of rape to our women is a very sensitive one and should be addressed as a priority.
Big kudos to Sheila Kariuki who trains the old women and she says that so long as the women know where to hit,they should be able to overcome an attacker.I only hope that non governmental organizations and the government can come to the rescue of this obviously brave women and offer them the much needed protection even as they defend themselves.
Well in the movie big mama by Martin Lawrence,there is a scene where grannies are taught martial arts to fight against rapists.The first time i saw the movie i thought it only happens in the states.The problem of rape to our women is a very sensitive one and should be addressed as a priority.
Big kudos to Sheila Kariuki who trains the old women and she says that so long as the women know where to hit,they should be able to overcome an attacker.I only hope that non governmental organizations and the government can come to the rescue of this obviously brave women and offer them the much needed protection even as they defend themselves.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How To Treat Your Domestic Assistant With The Respect She Deserves

Most people especially women treat their domestic assistants otherwise referred to as house girls with utter contempt.It is imperative that we all realize the human rights of this innocent girls.Treating your domestic assistant with love and respect shows that you appreciate the girl and respect the female gender.
Most of these domestic workers come from poor families and others are orphans who need love.Treating them with disdain only makes them remember their ugly past and want to join their parents.
In Africa due to due to conflict,many girls find themselves in a situation of fending for themselves and this where we are now.
Ways to treat nicely
God pay
Give your house help enough money as she literally runs you home in your absence.Most domestic assistants are paid peanuts by their employees.The employees feel that the young women don't have needs since they eat,bathe and sleep in their house.This is a misconception especially when we look at the aspect of the girls fending for other siblings.Less than a dollar a day is not sufficient and therefore increasing the salary will go a long way in making you house girl feel good.
Give your domestic assistant some breathing space.Remember she is just a person just like you and your daughter for that matter.Once you have laid down the duty rota,give the girl the prerogative to go about her business the way she sees fit so long as she doesn't go overboard and does other unnecessary things.
Reward your domestic assistant every now and then.It feels good to be appreciated after doing a good job.Take her out for dinner or better still for a holiday depending on the level of work she has done.
That girl will not remain a house girl forever so be the one to take her through school so that she can learn new skills and become empowered in life.
No matter what you do or how long you stay with that house girl,make sure that she leaves your house an enlightened,empowered girl.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Compliment that woman,she deserves it

A compliment goes a long way especially when given with sincerity.Our women are princesses queens and angels.They were created by the almighty to adorn the universe like beautiful flowers.They are lovely,gorgeous,stunning and shinning.
I think men should learn to compliment the women without the slightest flicker of flattery whatsoever.Flattery my friends is the worst expression we can use because it is fake.We should learn to be original in complimenting to get the best effects.
Things to compliment
nice top
nice earrings
nice shoes
great hairstyle
nice perfume
nice manicure/pedicure
nice handbag
Each and everyone of the above plus many more is a woman's pride.Women put a lot of
detail when it comes to dressing.Take note of everything that your woman is adorning and know what she wants you to notice.It would be really rude if you didn't notice the new shoe that she wore just for you.Please take note and compliment her sincerely from your heart.
In the book of genesis Adam had to wait for sometime as Eve was being spruced up by God.When she finally came Adam complimented her by saying this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.In other words,wow! you look gorgeous!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Women arise no time to waste

The world is moving at a very fast pace.Everything has changed and women find themselves having to take up roles that were considered male domain.This is one of the best things to happen since our girls and women are being empowered.I remember growing up with my four brothers and three sisters.Our parents always made it look like our sisters were weaker and we the boys were expected to sort of protect them from harm.They were expected to do the household chores as we sat around like bosses.Today i have three daughters of my own and i realize that the world has changed and they need to be empowered of their rights at an early age.
Parents who are bringing up girls have a very big tasks of ensuring that they bring them up to take their part in society as aggressive citizens in order that they can cope with the current rough situation of the world.
Empowering our girls at an early age will go a long way in averting societal evils like rape and domestic violence.How is that?you may ask.Everything in this world is initiated from the mind.If we can put the right mindsets in our girls we can in future be guaranteed to get women that are fully liberated.
Another question that may arise is whether this may affect their love life.I think that relationships that work out well are those that both the man and woman have equal rights and can decide where they want to take their love.
It is time women and there is no time to waste.I am always excited by the site of a woman behind the wheels of a eighteen wheeler controlling it like a toy.
Women,what men can do you can do better!
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