Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Open Letter To Reverend Kathy Kiuna

Dear Reverend Kathy Kiuna. I see you always. In my television every Sunday preaching the good word In the JCC program-me on KTN. I together with millions of others get inspired by your captivating, inspiring uplifting messages. I follow you on your program-me Woman without limits  that airs every Sunday on NTV. You are a Woman of substance. You have been sent to this generation at such a time as this for a purpose especially for the young women. To uplift them from the captivity of negativity. For many years the girl child has been told that her place is at the bottom of the ladder. But Dear Reverend Kathy Kiuna I watch you speak words of life unto our girls and women.

When God found Adam hiding from Him at the Garden of  Eden with his wife, He asked him, Adam why are you hiding? And he answered, because I am naked. God asked him a very powerful question.
Who told you that you are naked?

Many generations of girl children have been told many things. You can never amount to anything. Your place is in the Kitchen not the Corporate boardrooms. Dear reverend Kathy Kiuna, there are many voices talking to our girls today. But your voice has emerged to speak positive things. You told them during Daughters of Zion, You have overcome because the one inside you is greater than him that is in the world. Positivity overwhelms the Daughters of Zion meetings. Dear Kathy Kiuna, please continue and don't stop. Tell our women that they can drive Mercedes Benzes and Four wheelers. Tell them please that indeed they can live in Runda and Lavington and Kileleshwa and Lavington. Who told them that they can only live in eastlands? I want to see a Kenyan girl dressed in a power suit, with keys to her house and to her car that she has bought with her money. I want to see a kenyan girl that can run a board meeting without batting an eyelid.

Dear reverend Kathy Kiuna. I salute you for the job you are doing. I wish my daughters would pass through your hands and brush shoulders with you. That their eyes would be open and that shackles of the captivity of negativity van be broken. Dear Reverend Kathy Kiuna because you are one in a million. Millions are held in the Captivity of negativity. Eric Wainaina once sang nchi ya kitu kidogo, nchi ya watu wadogo. When one of our own shines we refuse to believe. We refuse to believe that Victor Wanyama is playing in the English Premier league. We refuse to accept our runners who are treated like gods abroad. Therefore dear Reverend Kathy Kiuna dont stop yet. There are million of girls in all our counties that are hiding from the world, they cannot go forth and unleash their full potentials. Preach on Mum. Preach on.

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