The Brutal murder of eight year old standard three girl from Kiambu Kenya sent shock waves throughout the entire Nation.When one of the local TV stations featured a story on the booming Sex organs trade, many brushed it aside thinking it was just a passing cloud. When innocent Jane Wambui Muregi's life was cut short by her assailants then the real grim picture of the situation was felt. Rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman, happening to a girl so innocent and so young this is unacceptable.All humanity should stand up against rape.Visit and register to help fight rape against our innocent girls. My heart goes out to the mother and father of the girl who lost her life at a tender age of eight years.
On the other hand the sex organs business should be squashed from the root to avoid future cases of rape and murder.Above all we should all pray that God restores our nation from the evil plans of the devil.
Empowering the female gender in issues concerning their well being such as sexuality relationships and averting violence against women empowering them to reach their potential.Those in need of romance and tips to get their love too will benefit in this blog.Women empowerment and rights of the marginalized girl as an integral and fundamental part of society, by marginalized meaning the street girls and commercial sex workers otherwise known as the red light girls.